Arredondo Sanchez Lira, Jaime / UC San Diego
Security, Autonomy, and Indigenous Justice: The Alternative Security Model of Cherán, Michoacán
Aguilera, Susana Maria / UC San Diego
Peripheries of Power, Centers of Resistance: Anarchist Movements in Tampico & the Huasteca Region, 1910-1945
Aguilar, Kevan Antonio / UC San Diego
The End of the Plantations and the Transformation of Indigenous Society in Highland Chiapas, Mexico, 1974-2009
Rus III, Jan / UC Riverside
Decentralization of Water Service Delivery in Mexico: The Effects of Party Politics, Intergovernmental Dynamics, and Municipal Capacity
Hastings, Cameron Jones / UC Riverside
Growing Up Across Furrows, Letters, and Borders: Childhood, Youth, and the Everyday in Neoliberal Rural Mexico
Carpena Mendez, Josefa / UC Berkeley
Rethinking Thuggery: Landowners, Territory, and Violence in Chiapas, Mexico
Bobrow-Strain, Charles Aaron / UC Berkeley
Drug Violence, Fear of Crime and the Transformation of Everyday Life in the Mexican Metropolis
Villarreal Montemayor, Ana Teresa / UC Berkeley
The Political Economy of Media and Violence in Mexico
Urrusti Frenk, Luz Maria Sinaia / UC Berkeley
Evading the Patronage Trap: Interest Organizations and Policymaking in Mexico
Palmer-Rubin, Brian Dale / UC Berkeley